Jakusho Kwong-roshi
Jakusho Kwong-roshi, is the founder of Sonoma Mountain Zen Center — Genjoji Temple. Authorized by the Sotoshu in Japan, he is a lineage successor of the late Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Kwong-roshi travelled and taught throughout America and Asia, as well as Poland and Iceland, where Zen practices have been established. Also he has deep connections with other traditions, including the Theravadin, Shambhala/Drala Mountain.Center, Rinzaiji, Soen-Korean Zen, Christian Carmelite, Benedictine and Jewish-Hasidic traditions. He had the good karma to meet all the great Asian teachers who came west. He is author of Mind Sky: Zen Teaching on Living and Dying, No Beginning,No End: The Intimate Heart of Zen, and Breath Sweeps Mind CD. Jakusho continues to deepen his insight to share with many international sincere people.