Derrika L. Hunt
Derrika L. Hunt, the daughter of Sylvia Renee is an artist, abolitionist dreamer, writer, and curator. She believes dreams are an important aspect of all revolutionary work. A recent graduate of University of California, Berkeley, with her Ph.D. in education, Derrika is interested in research that explores the intersections of gender, girlhood, language, settler-colonialism, racial capitalism, and transnationalism. Her dissertation “It is Bleeding: Unstitching Third World Girls + Education, A Refusal of the Neoliberal Politics of Western Development Aid, and the Capitalist Desires of Schooling” offers a close reading of international girl’s education campaigns through an analysis of the geopolitics of girlhood, schooling, neoliberalism, and international development aid. Derrika is also the founder of Black Gxrls Dreaming, a revolutionary youth program that utilizes dreaming, travel, and Black feminist theory as guidelines to imagine more possible futures for and alongside Black gxrls. The program invites youth to participate in a co-created curriculum and international travel experience that believes “Black gxrls can and will be free this lifetime” as it guides youth in their experience of imagining a more possible world and more liveable futures for themselves and their communities.