Online – Profound Simplicity Talk 1: Making the Dharma Real in Your Life
April 6, 2025
Buddhist Meditation Retreats, Buddhist Path, Online Courses, Online Events, Online Programs, Online Retreats, Shambhala
Talk 1: 11:00 am -1:00 pm Sunday April 6th
Early registration is encouraged!
Comments from Previous Participants:
“I have studied with Richard John for more than 15 years. I have attended his retreats at Casa Werma in Mexico and many other places where he has taught, including the DC Shambhala Center. Richard is a highly experienced, knowledgeable teacher who gives us profound, high level teachings that you don’t get from just any teacher.” —Mercedes L.
“Richard John is a master teacher, has led retreats all over North America and Mexico. Having raised our curiosity with that question about where we place our attention, he went on to introduce a fifty-year old technique given by his own teacher, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Trungpa taught that with precision, we put twenty-five percent of our attention on the outbreath, another on relaxing, twenty-five percent on friendliness to one’s self, and the last on the openness to the possibilities of what might arise. Like what? Like a firmer sense of your own basic goodness, your own open heart.” —Barbara H.
“I’m grateful for the specific meditation techniques, and for the enormous experience Richard brings. I am refreshed.” —Liz F.
Additional Faculty
Meditation Instructors:
- Susan Skjei
- Joanne Martin-Braun
- Lyle Larson
- Marybeth Keigher
- Lynele Jones
Retreat Faculty
Richard John
Richard John has been a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 1975, and he served as acharya to Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche for 20 years. He completed the first three-year group retreat at Gampo Abbey, and has led many Buddhist and Shambhala meditation retreats. Richard and his wife Liz reside in Halifax, Nova Scotia.