Entering the Vajra World: A Three-Yana Retreat | Registration Page
June 24–July 24, 2025
Buddhist Meditation Retreats, Buddhist Path, Dathun & Weekthun, Immersive Meditation Retreats, On Land Retreats
Only those who have been approved to attend by Three Yanas Society should register for this program.
Hosted by the Three Yanas Society and Drala Mountain Center
“The quality and experience of the faculty was unparalleled. Absolutely incredible. Cannot imagine a better way to connect deeply with the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa than through his longtime closest students.”
—2024 Retreat Participant Comment
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche was one of the most influential Buddhist teachers of the 20th century. He encouraged deep training in meditation, study, and community life. His approach was ground-breaking, leading students through the three yanas (vehicles) and drawing on the profundity of the mahamudra and maha ati traditions.
The first Entering the Vajra World Retreat offered participants a contemporary version of the deep training that Trungpa Rinpoche offered to his students. You can read some of the participants’ evaluations of the 2024 retreat below.
The 2025 summer retreat is being offered to any Buddhist practitioner who wants to enter the vajrayana in Trungpa Rinpoche’s tradition. You can visit our website to learn more and to apply for the retreat.
Deep Training in Trungpa Rinpoche’s Tradition
Trungpa Rinpoche’s methods for training students were unique, profound, and effective, especially as they manifested in the three-month Vajradhatu Seminaries. First and foremost of these methods was an emphasis on the intensive practice of shamatha-vipashyana meditation, especially in group practice. This was always the backbone of the training.
The practice of meditation was enhanced by deep study and contemplation of the three-yana teachings. The cumulative insights of the path of individual liberation, the bodhisattva path of wisdom and compassion, and the path of indestructible wakefulness were each presented fully in their own light, perfumed by the flavor of the profound view of maha ati.
Meditation and study were further enhanced in post-meditation by a variety of skillful methods, including the contemplative arts, protector practice, and especially the binding factor of a sangha making a deep journey together.
The Entering the Vajra World retreat continues Trungpa Rinpoche’s tradition by embodying these methods. The retreat is offered to anyone who wishes to enter the vajrayana in Trungpa Rinpoche’s tradition, provided they have sufficient meditation experience to benefit from an intensive, month-long retreat. Practitioners from any dharma tradition are warmly welcome.
Scholarship Information
We are committed to making participation in this retreat as affordable as possible. To that end, Drala Mountain Center has agreed to reduce its standard lodging & meals rates by 50%, there is no program tuition fee for this retreat. We are also seeking grant funding in the hope of being able to provide additional financial assistance to those who need it most. For more information on the costs and payment schedule for the retreat, please see https://www.3yanas.org/faq.
Shuttle info
Shuttle transfers to and from DIA will be provided for this program. The shuttle from DIA to DMC on 6/24/25 will pick up at 2:00pm. The shuttle from DMC to DIA on 7/24/25 will depart at 10:00am. Please select the shuttle transportation option when you register and more details will be provided closer to the program start date.
This is a one time charge of $175.00 for round-trip shuttle service.
(Partial charges cannot be accommodated, if you choose to only use one-way service.)
For travel questions, please email cusry@dralamountain.org.
For participant personal clothing items, laundry services will be offered three times during this program. This will be a one time charge of $115.00 with laundry bags provided.
Please select the laundry option when you register.
(Partial charges cannot be accommodated, if you choose to not utilize all three services.)
Respiratory Illness Policy
Please review and understand Drala Mountain’s Respiratory Illness Policy, unique to this program, before visiting.
What participants had to say about the 2024 retreat:
“This was a historic retreat, and one that I was incredibly grateful to be at. First and foremost, THANK YOU, each and every one, for making it happen, and with so much generosity and love. It was amazing to have so many teachers who had studied directly with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and were willing to share openly about their experiences with him. It was incredible to have the teachers sit and practice with us. Of course the main thrust of the retreat, being able to get Vajrayana transmission and start ngondro in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (in person, and in community, with so many wonderful teachers), was the main priceless, essential piece. The pre-retreat class was a great way to begin to orient toward the teachings, get a little bit familiar with some of our teachers, and start to build community.”
“This was a powerful and intimate experience of dharma and community life. Rarely do we see sangha groups operate with this level of coordination, care, kindness and profundity together.”
“The retreat was rich, deep, and delightful. I received Vajrayana transmission online nine months prior to the retreat, and had local support as I began my ngondro practice. However, the difference between my earlier online and local experience, and the one month in-person retreat was night and day. I highly recommend the retreat for those entering or beginning the Vajrayana path.”
“This retreat was a big, WOW! It is a chance to follow in and be a part of forwarding the stream of VCTR’s mind and teachings. It is a way to receive pointing out instructions and understand how to begin ngondro and advance on the path. It is a chance to gather with many wonderful students and teachers. The learning was very rigorous but not too much. A delicious and satisfying experience.”
“Well organized, perfect setting, good program, great faculty—for me, a very good, broad and organized presentation of Buddhism. I learned so much.”
“Amazing attendees. Engaged and accessible teachers.”
“The primary purposes of the retreat for me were to have time to meditate, be on the land, visit the stupa often, and to receive pointing out instructions so that I could enter the vajrayana and begin ngondro practice in a supported way. The retreat met all of those goals. I have been drawn along on the dharma path by my deep hearted connection to Chogyam Trungpa, and so how glorious to be with so many others who share that heart connection!”
“The quality and experience of the faculty was unparalleled. Absolutely incredible. Cannot imagine a better way to connect deeply with the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa than through his longtime closest students. Great opportunity to meet and speak with the faculty individually and in small group settings to deepen the understanding and connection to the teachings.”