Eddies in the Current Moment: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
May 16–18, 2025
Buddhist Meditation Retreats, Immersive Meditation Retreats, Meditation & Mindfulness, On Land Retreats
Program Arrival Date & Time: May 16th, 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Program Start Date & Time: May 16th, 5:30 pm
Program End Date & Time: May 18th, 12:30 pm
Just as a river forms eddies of calm behind boulders and sharp bends in the whitewater, the stream of heart and mind can generate stable patches where the flow turns back on itself into stillness. Early Buddhism maps four types of such inner eddy: the four “foundations of mindfulness” (the satipatthana, literally “standing-up places of mindfulness”). Like kayakers “eddying out” to pause and draw breath, we can learn to pull into these viewpoints of presence to refresh our balance and vision.
This retreat offers a contemporary, creative, science-informed immersion in the ancient teaching of the four foundations of mindfulness: body, feeling, mind-state, and dharma. Through periods of formal guided meditation, integrative movement and relaxation, silence, conversation, and group sharing, you will develop a deeply-resourced, flexible, expansive framework for harnessing mindfulness in your formal meditation practice, your personal relationships and daily life, and your broader engagement in community and society.
Retreat Faculty
Until recently, I was a monk (bhikkhu) in the Thai forest tradition, a meditation-centered branch of Theravada Buddhism. I lived for eight years as a monastic, and six as a fully-ordained monk in monasteries, as a wanderer, and in traditional and Western lay-Buddhist communities. Prior to ordination, I lived a varied adult life of writing, […]