Hybrid – Chakrasamvara Retreat (On-Land Portion)
Open Dates
Advanced Shambhala, Buddhist Meditation Retreats, Experiential Retreats, Hybrid Program, Immersive Meditation Retreats, Meditation & Mindfulness, On Land Retreats, Shambhala, Wisdom Traditions
This is the on-land registration page. If you would like to attend online, please click here.
Lodging prices for this retreat have been reduced, to make it easier for long-time practitioners to practice at Drala Mountain.
This Hybrid Chakrasamvara Intensive is geared toward the accumulation of the recitation practice in a group setting. If you are just learning the practice, this is a good opportunity to become more familiar with the sadhana. There will be guided practice, instruction of the different sections of the sadhana, and discussion of the wonderful manual by the Vajravairochana Translation Committee. Those who have finished the recitation are also invited to come and deepen their connection with the practice.
This practice intensive will be anchored in an internet-capable shrine room with daily opportunities to practice in the physical representation of Chakrasamvara’s mandala in the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya.
You are welcome to come for all or part of this intensive.
Prerequisite: Chakrasamvara Abhisheka
Please review and understand DMC’s current COVID-19 policy before visiting DMC.
Additional Information
- This program ends formally in the evening prior to the last day. The final day, May 8th, is a departure day only.
Recording: Instruction by the presenter and any questions that arise during the instruction will be recorded. Practice sessions will not be recorded. Recordings will be posted daily for registered participants to view. The recordings will not be downloadable and will be deleted at the end of the program.
Retreat Faculty
Greg Smith
Greg Smith is a well known thangka painter at Drala Mountain Center. He has guided and taught many intensive programs as well as introductory programs. He is a long time student of Chogyam Trunpa Rinpoche and is a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.