Our Direction for Drala Mountain Center

View of DMC from Marpa Point

“We are always in transition…”
— Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche


Inspired by the teachings of the Buddhadharma, we seek to support all those who uplift human
experience with practices based on mindfulness/awareness, non-aggression, and sacred


 Practice – provide methods for all people to connect with wisdom and inherent
 Retreats – support diverse wisdom tradition programs enhanced by the extraordinary
drala of our land
 Community – connect a diverse group of practitioners to share wisdom and celebration
 Great Stupa – freely share a living monument of peace, compassion, and wisdom
 Eco-Forestry – continue our leadership and collaboration with conservation agencies

OUR GOAL – The Fruition

To create a “virtuous circle” where, step by step, working with like-minded individuals, we demonstrate success and abundance in supporting our mission.

FACING REALITY – It’s Been Tough!

DMC has faced especially brutal challenges over the past few years – 1) a threatened shutdown
over wastewater management, 2) a shutdown because of the Covid Pandemic, 3) a shutdown
because of two major wildfires, including the very destructive Cameron Fire, 4) Community
upheavals, 5) Multiple organizational realignments.

So why do we carry on? Mostly it’s because so many of us are relentlessly in love with this land.
Maybe it’s what happened to us here, or what happens for others, maybe it’s for our teachers,
or maybe it’s just being grateful that it exists at all – a place that tries to shed a bit of light in a
seemingly darkening world.

OUR STRATEGY – Raise Windhorse (Energy) and Create a Virtuous Circle

Despite these obstacles, the reality is that our center was one of the first to plant the genuine
flag of dharma teachings in the West and we have so many reasons to be proud of what we
have accomplished and what we can accomplish in the future. Thousands and thousands of
people have discovered inherent goodness here benefiting themselves and many others. How
amazing is that!

Our mindset is focused on creating a virtuous circle where we’ll initiate a chain of positive
actions and events – step by step — that reinforces itself. A positive thing happens, leading to
another positive thing, reinforcing the system. We will build a virtuous circle and watch our
strength grow over time.

OUR ACTIONABLE TACTICS – Open Up and Invite More Energy

Below are the 7 actionable tactics that will support our strategy:

1. BUILD NEW PARTNERSHIPS – Teachers & Associated Practice Organizations
 Invite/supplicate teachers and their respective communities from other wisdom
traditions to conduct programming events at DMC in 2025. Specifically, we’ll be
reaching out to eminent and well-known teachers from the Kagyu, Nyingma, Zen,
and Mindfulness traditions

2. BUILD NEW PARTNERSHIPS – Educational Organizations
 Reach out to college and university Buddhist Study departments to explore January
term and field study programs

 Existing Program Partners
 Naropa University
 Regional Conservation Agencies

 Provide meaningful, monthly updates including financial updates, progress reports,
success stories
 Strengthen financial processes and governance to ensure transparency and accuracy

 Expand workforce to reduce burnout
 Ensure practice and study opportunities

 Invigorate the online programming that successfully ran during Covid

 Leverage social media to more broadly disseminate our activities and support our

Does our strategy and associated tactics resonate with you? If so, please act today and show us
your support with your generous donation or volunteer activity.

6 replies
  1. Paul M Segal says:

    I have few financial resources right now. Do you need volunteers at this time or in the near future? I would offering my services at the front desk or programs. I have been in the Shambhala community since 1995. I feel highly committed to being up there during these challenging times. I would like to offer my services and it would not necessarily have to be paid.
    Best wishes!

    • Joanne Martin Braun says:

      Hi Paul,
      I am sorry I just saw your email about your interest in staffing at DMC. I will let the right folks know and they will be in touch.
      Joanne Martin Braun

  2. Michael Smith says:

    This post left me with many questions.
    Who is on the governing council and how can they be contacted directly?
    Are financials available to look at?
    I blundered into this posting and I wonder what efforts have been made to communicate to a wider group of people. The DMC Facebook postings don’t offer much.
    Are there any plans to rebuild support buildings at the stupa?

    • Michael Gayner says:

      Hi Michael,

      Let’s chat if you’re interested. The Governing Council has bios and pics on the website. I believe you’d know most or all of them!

  3. Mark Carter says:

    It was tough reading the challenges that you’ve faced these past few years – from natural ones such as Covid and wildfires, through to ones which sound like organisational and direction related. I don’t know what these latter ones are, but pray that you find a way through them and renew. Having only just discovered your blog and website I have been very moved. Just seeing the images of the stupa left me in tears – the sort of tears of seeing something profound and recognising it.

    May the path of your centre become clear and all obstacles be removed!

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