Tag Archive for: Susan Piver

[WATCH] Susan Piver on Writing as a Liberatory Practice
UncategorizedIf meditation is about releasing attachment to thoughts, why would anyone want to put them in ink? If this…
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[VIDEO] Susan Piver Gets Personal
Mindful LivingAnd that's part of what makes her such a great teacher. She notes that she doesn't have fancy credentials,…
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Susan Piver on Meditation
Mind-Body, Mindful LivingBy Susan Piver // When you can honestly say I am comfortable in myself, the world opens up in a way…
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Susan Piver on Meditation and Creativity
Creative ExpressionBy Susan Piver // The other day, I read a tweet from someone looking for advice about taking up…
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[VIDEO] Susan Piver on Fearlessly Creative: A Meditation and Writing Retreat
Creative ExpressionSusan Piver has led the annual Fearlessly Creative: A Meditation and Writing Retreat at Shambhala Mountain Center for the past several…
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How I Discovered the Four Noble Truths of Love
RelationshipsBy Susan Piver // Some time ago, my husband, Duncan, and I were locked in a state of ongoing…
by admin0 commentsSusan Piver on the Benefits of Meditation
Mind-BodyBy Susan Piver // A comprehensive list of all the benefits of meditation would be very long indeed. My…
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On Being a Teacher
UncategorizedBy Susan Piver // I just finished teaching two retreats at Dechen Choling Retreat Center in France, “The Open…
by admin0 commentsJoin Lodro and Susan for a Post-Election Metta Session
Mind-Body, Social EngagementIn the midst of this dark and dizzying presidential election, a sense of peace and loving-kindness may not always…
by admin0 commentsWATCH: Susan Piver on Writing, Magic, and Meditation
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingYou probably already know who Susan Piver is — because she is famous for helping people through her writing.…
by admin0 commentsQ&A: Susan Piver Discusses the Writer’s Groove and “Fearlessly Creative”
Creative Expression, Mind-BodyBy Travis Newbill Susan Piver leads Fearlessly Creative: A Meditation and Writing Retreat, December 20-23 A couple of common…
by admin0 commentsMeditation & Creativity
Creative Expression, Mind-BodyNew York Times bestselling author Susan Piver will be teaching an Open Heart Retreat April 5-8 at the Shambhala…
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