Tag Archive for: New Years

Reflection: The Key to Continuous Learning
Mindful LivingSeptember 20, 2019
By Dhi Good // When we take time regularly to contemplate the values we embrace and the goals we…
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Take These Two Vows for a Fresh Beginning in 2019
Mindful LivingNovember 28, 2018
By Jonathan Barbieri // Each year we usually have some positive experiences and some negative. By the end of…
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Advice for Setting New Year Intentions (Rather than Resolutions)
Mindful LivingSeptember 25, 2017
For the past several years, Shastri Jon Barbierri has come up to Shambhala Mountain Center to lead a group…
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Setting an Aspiration (Rather than a “Resolution”) for 2016
Mindful LivingDecember 23, 2015
Do you have any New Year resolutions in mind? Any big changes you'd like to see happen in 2016?…
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Jon Barbieri on Establishing Intention and Commitment for the New Year (Video/Audio)
Mindful LivingSeptember 27, 2014
Shambhala Mountain Center hosts Take a Leap into 2015: Establish Your Intention and Commitment with Jonathan Barbieri December 30,…
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