Tag Archive for: mindfulness

Land Update: An Exciting Mindfulness Weekend At Drala Mountain Center
Land Updates - What's Happening At DMCYou might be thinking that exciting and mindfulness don't belong next to one another in a sentence, and we…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments
Resting In Your Belly Center Meditation
Meditation, Mind-Body, MindfulnessBy Sara Avant Stover In this Resting In Your Belly Center, meditation, you'll be guided to relax more deeply…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments
The Gift of Attention
Mind-Body, Mindful Living, Mindfulness, Self-CareBy Melissa Lago Experiencing calmness expands our choices regarding where to focus our attention. A significant benefit of yoga…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments
The Heart of Mindfulness
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby: Jon Aaron For our retreat coming up in June, we were inspired to call it “The Heart of…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments
If You’re Tired or Confused, Slow Down and Focus on Feeling Alive & Well*
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Living*Excerpt from the international bestseller You Were Not Born To Suffer, by Blake D. Bauer Every day we're faced with…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments
May We All Be Well. Especially Educators.
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby: Andra Brill, Ph.D. The past few years have indeed been a challenging time for educators, students, and parents alike,…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsDream Yoga as Preparation for the Bardos
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby: Andrew Holecek If you are well trained, your first after-death experience will be the luminous bardo of dharmata.…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsOn Silent Group Meditation Retreats: 10 things I’ve learned along the way
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby Janet Solyntjes In 1987 I participated in my first silent group meditation retreat. It was a month-long program…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsReeling from the Pandemic? There are things YOU can do.
Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby Rona Wilensky, Senior Faculty, PassageWorks Institute Many educators entered the 21-22 school year with high hopes that it…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsHealing Guilt, Shame and Insecurity
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingExcerpt from the international bestseller You Were Not Born To Suffer by Blake D. Bauer "It is no measure…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsOvercoming Resistance to Your Spiritual Practice
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful Livingby Sara Avant Stover Sara is a teacher of feminine spirituality, bestselling author, and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner.…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 commentsCultivating An Open Heart
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingBy Cole Schlam As was true for so many of us, in the last few years I experienced some…
by Rhiannin Bunney0 comments