Tag Archive for: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

What is Karuna Training, and Why Should I Do It?
Mindful Living, Nature, Relationships, Social EngagementJuly 6, 2021
By Melissa Moore // Chögyam Trungpa designed Maitri Space Awareness to be a portal into meeting energetic space directly…
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How Will We Meet this Moment?
Life at SMC, Mind-BodyMay 6, 2020
By Gelong Loden Nyima Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche passed away into parinirvana when I was nine months old. I never…
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Reclaiming Prajna
Life at SMCAugust 12, 2015
By Jamie Woodworth It’s a widely agreed upon sentiment, among both newcomers and veteran Shambhalians, that this mountain valley…
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The Last Word at the Great Stupa
Mind-BodyJuly 26, 2013
The founder of Shambhala Publications, Sam Bercholz, described Trungpa Rinpoche as "not just another great Buddhist teacher. He was…
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